Property Id : 845114
Price: $ 590,000
Property Lot Size: 1 ft2
TaxAnnualAmount: 3115
InternetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: 1
BuyerAgentMobilePhone: 347-837-6989
ListAgentKey: 20141019181217284816000000
StreetNumberNumeric: 0
ContractStatusChangeDate: 2024-05-04
ListAgentFullName: Ann Grande
InternetAddressDisplayYN: 1
BuyerAgentFullName: Ann Grande
ListAgentMobilePhone: 347-837-6989
OnMarketDate: 2022-10-11
InternetEntireListingDisplayYN: 1
ListOfficeKey: 20141019170629118700000000
BuyerAgentKey: 20141019181217284816000000
BuyerOfficeKey: 20141019170629118700000000
ListAgentLastName: Grande
CumulativeDaysOnMarket: 570
TaxLot: 0001
ListingAgreement: Exclusive Right To Sell
StatusChangeTimestamp: 2024-05-04T19:41:57Z
ListAgentFirstName: Ann
PriceChangeTimestamp: 2024-03-25T18:22:45Z
BuyerOfficeName: Robert DeFalco Realty, Inc.
MajorChangeType: Status Change
OffMarketDate: 2024-05-03
LotSizeUnits: Square Feet
DocumentsCount: 0
BuyerAgentMlsId: 7978
LotSizeSquareFeet: 31845
BuyerAgentLastName: Grande
OwnerName: ESTATE OF Mizrahi
ListAgentOfficePhone: 718-605-9400
ListingId: 1158134
BuyerAgentOfficePhone: 718-605-9400
ListAgentPreferredPhone: 347-837-6989
SourceSystemName: Staten Island Multiple Listing Service
SourceSystemKey: 20221011181305626681000000
DocumentsAvailable: Property Owner Information
ListOfficeFax: 718-980-9842
StateOrProvince: NY
BuyerAgentStateLicense: 40GR1025086
ListOfficeName: Robert DeFalco Realty, Inc.
OriginatingSystemKey: 20221011181305626681000000
VideosCount: 0
BuyerOfficeFax: 718-980-9842
PhotosCount: 23
ShowingInstructions: Call Agent
ContingentDate: 2024-04-14
ListAgentStateLicense: 40GR1025086
PhotosChangeTimestamp: 2023-03-14T17:05:45Z
BuyerAgentPreferredPhone: 347-837-6989
PurchaseContractDate: 2024-05-03
OriginatingSystemName: Staten Island Multiple Listing Service
OriginalListPrice: 730000
Sewer: City
ListingContractDate: 2022-10-11
StreetSuffix: Avenue
OriginatingSystemID: M00000487
LotSizeDimensions: 98 X 503 X 80 X 381
StreetNumber: 0
StreetName: Howard
ModificationTimestamp: 2024-09-28T04:02:13Z
ListOfficeMlsId: o06101
MlsStatus: Pending
TaxBlock: 00615
LotSizeArea: 31845
SourceSystemID: M00000487
ParcelNumber: 00615-0001
BuyerAgentFirstName: Ann
ListAgentMlsId: 7978
Zoning: R1-1
DocumentsChangeTimestamp: 2022-10-11T18:40:12Z
MajorChangeTimestamp: 2024-05-04T19:41:59Z
Directions: Howard Ave - look for the Vintage stone columns that have 301, 309, 311, 313 on the Left Side stone Column & 331- 337 on the Right Side Stone Column..... pass thru the two stone columns....its the vacant property on the ''right side'' First A Narrow piece of land that runs 61 ft to the Main Wide Piece of land still that widens to 98 ft on a curve as frontage....... House # 337 Howard Av
MLSAreaMajor: Grymes Hill
DaysOnMarket: 570
PendingTimestamp: 2024-05-04T19:41:57Z
MLSAreaMinor: Grymes Hill
BuyerOfficeMlsId: o06101
BathroomsTotalDecimal: 0
AddressLegal_co_Section: North Shore
General_sp_Property_sp_Info_co_Taxes2: 3115
General_sp_Property_sp_Info_co_Tax_sp_Abated: No
General_sp_Property_sp_Info_co_Lot_sp_Dim: 98 X 503 X 80 X 381
General_sp_Property_sp_Info_co_Irregular: Yes
General_sp_Property_sp_Info_co_Raw_sp_Land: Yes
General_sp_Property_sp_Info_co_Survey: Yes
Sewer_co_City3: 1
Use_sp_Restrictions_co_Hillside: 1
Use_sp_Restrictions_co_Natural_sp_Area: 1
Showing_sp_Instructions_co_Call_sp_Agent: 1
Broker_sp_Load_co_Broker_sp_Load_sp_Edit: Company